25 Life Lessons I Have Learned in My 25 Years

25 life lessons from a dallas fashion blogger

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Top//Boohoo (via Asos)  Jeans//New Look  Handbag//Louis Vuitton  Shoes//Hermes


Friendships & Family

1. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Life is too short to keep people in your life that bring you down.

2. Sometimes friendships fall apart and that’s perfectly normal. There could have been a fight to trigger the breakdown and other times you just grow apart. The people who are meant to be in your life will be there at the end of the day.

3. Your parents are your biggest supporters and will be there through all of life’s moments. Don’t forget to tell your parents that you appreciate them because parenting can be a pretty thankless job for awhile.

4. It’s ok to have friends that you go out with, friends that you share intimate details with, and that friend you call who will always be by your side. You can’t expect everyone to be there for you the way that YOU want them to be. Some people are meant to be in your life in different capacities.

Romantic Relationships

5. There will always be that one guy you date where afterwards you wonder if you went temporarily insane because how could you choose him? That’s ok! Just make sure you take something away from this relationship about how you want to be treated, what you want in a partner, and what is unacceptable behavior in a relationship.

6. Breakups are inevitable. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be feeling or how you should get over someone. Now if you dated for 1 week and you’ve been crying for months…maybe there is something deeper you should look into. Just know that everyone has a different way of dealing with breakups and a different timeframe.

7. In a long term relationship, being right is not important on insignificant things. As a competitive person it can be hard for me as I like to be right a lot . However, what is more important being right all of the time or being in a happy relationship? Sometimes, you just have to learn to let things go when they aren’t important.

8. Long distance relationships are very possible, if you want it bad enough. This is just my opinion…but I never understood why people would break up or never be with someone they like because they lived in another location. If you want that person in your life you will make it work. I was in a long distance relationship for 4 years, and it was not easy. But we both decided that we wanted to be in each other’s lives and were going to do what we needed to do in order to make that happen. We’re still together today after 7 years 🙂


9. Buy quality over quantity:  If you are a lover of luxury items, start curating your collection early. It will have so much more meaning and you will have a much larger and probably unique collection when you are older. Don’t waste your money on items that you won’t own in two years time…been there and done that. I thought I was so cool in that metallic zebra print cardigan. 

10. Sorry…have to put this one in my list. Monitor your credit rating because it can affect you well into your adult years from getting a loan to renting an apartment. A simple rule to follow is to pay off your credit card on time and more than your minimum payment. Luckily, it has never happened to me, but I have seen this affect the lives of people I know even 7 years after they were careless with credit cards.

11. It is easier to afford luxury items than you may think. Now it still takes hard work to make sure all of your basic costs are covered and have leftover money for something pricey, but you don’t have to be super wealthy to afford designer things. You have to decide what is important to spend your money on and prioritize. Can you live without your $4 coffee every morning? Can you forgo eating out at restaurants often for making your own food at home? These things can add up quickly.

12. Sell your unwanted items because you may be surprised how much extra money you were sitting on. There are so many options now from apps to eBay to consignment stores.


13. Hard work and determination are two characteristics that can make you successful in life. You don’t have to be book smart to go places.

14. Your first “real” job will most likely not be what you want it to be. If you find your dream job right away then you are so fortunate! For most people it takes a few tries to find the right fit.

15. APPLY! APPLY! and APPLY! What do I mean by this? If there is a company you want to work for or a job that you don’t quite have the exact qualifications for, just apply. On job descriptions, companies put what they would like their ideal candidate to be like, however, that doesn’t mean those people are applying for that particular job. You never know if they will contact you or if they will keep your resume on file for the future.


16. There is a life after high school where no one will care who you were friends with, what parties you were invited to, and what clothes you wore. To any younger readers, TRUST ME when I say this…enjoy high school and make great memories, but remember it is such a small fraction of your life.

17. Work before play. What I mean is to make sure you get the important things done before you have fun. For example, you can party with your friends, but ensure you have studied for that exam or written that paper before you do. That way you don’t panic in the end and can actually enjoy your free time.

18. If you realistically have the opportunity to go to college (University) do it! You can always leave should it not be for you, but it is so much harder to go years later when you are working and making money or have kids. College is the perfect opportunity to learn how to be an adult, but with a safety net. I also learned so much about myself, and could not imagine life without those years.

Life Lessons & Misc

19. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT take drinks from guys you don’t know. We tend to think it can never happen to me, but it is so much more common than you think for something to be slipped into your drink…including by a bartender. Your bartender should always make your drink in the open and in front of you.

20. Whatever you put up on the internet will stay there so be careful what you and your friends post. You never know what a future employer could find or something you will regret when you’re older.

21. Don’t get plastic surgery too young. When I was younger I wanted a breast augmentation as it seemed like every Hollywood Starlet had a massive chest. My mom told me that this area if your body can still grow into your early 20’s. She was right! At the age of 20 my chest had a growth spurt, and now I wouldn’t want any bigger.

22. In this age of social media, it can be easy to compare your life to others or think everyone has their lives together but you. That is so far from the truth! People only want to share the fun and happy times in their lives, but everyone has low moments or feels lost.

23. When traveling if you have checked-in luggage make sure in your hand luggage that you have the basics to survive for at least a day or two. You never know if your bag will get lost so I keep one to two pairs of underwear, a change of clothes, and basic toiletries in my hand luggage. It is better to be prepared.

24. Learn how to make a few meals before you leave home. I was lucky my parents made me learn to cook before I went to college. At the time, I thought it was so annoying. But it has really helped me eat healthy, make nice meals for myself and my boyfriend, and it just feels good to provide for yourself.


25. At the end of the day, the most important things in life are to be happy and to be a good person! Material things will not make you happy, and having a job where you make a lot of money is not everything. This is something I am learning right now; to choose happiness over money.


What are the most important life lessons that you have learned so far?



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