How I Make My Low Calorie “Fancy” Ramen Recipe

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When you think of ramen you might think of cheap dehydrated noodles in plastic packaging that’s reserved only for college students. But I’m here to tell you that you can turn that crap into something delicious and surprisingly low-calorie. I’m going to let you in on a secret recipe I’ve perfected over the years – I call it my “fancy” ramen!

When I don’t really want to cook but still want a filling and tasty meal I’ve often turned to my fancy ramen recipe to save me. It’s incredibly cheap and uses items you should already have in your pantry, which is great when you are trying to be mindful of your grocery bill.


My grocery bill can easily get away from me so I’ve had to learn over the years how to make it stretch. 


Especially when you have a husband that looks at the grocery store the same way a 5-year-old would look at a candy store ($$$). If you want to know how to make a nutritious and filling meal in under 15 mins then keep reading for my fancy ramen recipe! Click here to view my other low-calorie recipes for food and drink.




This is a great way to get in your veggies all in one meal and use up those random bits you have in your vegetable bin. You know that half chopped zucchini you have sitting around. 

My favorite vegetables to add to my fancy ramen are spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, and eggplant. I often add many of these all in together so my soup is filled to the brim with veggies. Super nutritious!


I don’t always add meat to my fancy ramen, but if I have some leftover from a previous meal it’s a great addition. My favorite is to add leftover cooked chicken breast, but I recently tried chopped turkey bacon and it gave a great earthy flavor.


I NEVER use the entire pre-seasoned pack that comes with the dry ramen! I use half the pack as a base seasoning and then add soy sauce, sesame oil, and sriracha – depends on how spicy you want it.  If you love the flavors of Vietnamese or Thai food then consider adding some fresh lime and cilantro.




  1. Fill your pot with water – Don’t use the microwave to achieve this as you won’t get the same effect. The water you add to the pot will not cook out and will be the base of your soup so if you’d like a thicker soup add less water. I typically use 2-2.5 cups of water. 
  2. Chop up your vegetables and add to water as it’s boiling – start with the vegetables that take longer to cook
  3. Add in shredded or chopped pre-cooked leftover meat (optional)
  4. Add half of the pre-packaged seasoning that comes with the dry ramen pack + the dry ramen
  5. Mix in your preferred seasonings
  6. After vegetables feel nearly cooked (still want to be a little al dente) turn the heat down to a simmer for 3-5 mins. We want all of the flavors to meld
  7. Once everything is cooked transfer your ramen soup to a bowl to let it cool down + it’s ready to serve!


EXTRA TIP: The longer you leave your ramen in the bowl before eating the thicker your noodles will become. I love a thicker noodle so I’ll typically let my noodles sit for 10-15 minutes before eating.




If you’ve ever thought there was nothing you could do with dry ramen I hope this has changed your mind. If you’re looking for a surprisingly filling and nutritious meal that’s affordable and easy to make consider trying this fancy ramen for your next meal. Should you make it let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I’d love to know what think. 







  1. July 30, 2020 / 3:14 PM

    I love finding ways to upgrade packs of ramen!! Thanks for this recipe!

    • Cristina
      July 31, 2020 / 8:18 AM

      So happy to help! It is so delicious. If you try out the recipe let me know 🙂

  2. August 1, 2020 / 3:48 PM

    I need to try this at home!!!

    • Cristina
      August 2, 2020 / 6:02 PM

      If you do let me know what you think 🙂

  3. GINA
    August 3, 2020 / 6:49 AM

    Thinking about adding some veggies from my garden. Thank you!


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