My Favorite Nespresso Capsules



To say I’m a coffee snob would be an understatement. What can I say I’m Italian and coffee – just like wine – is an important part of our daily diets. Whether you’re a latte lover or espresso expert like myself I wanted to tell you more about the coffee brand that I drink daily and is the closest thing I can find to a good coffee outside of Italy. I’m talking about Nespresso.

This in no way is sponsored (although, Nespresso if you ever see this post I’d love free coffee). I’ve actually been drinking and purchasing this brand for years. I’ve even converted my husband into a Nespresso lover.

Over the years, I’ve heard many make the generalization that Europe as a whole has the best coffee but I have to disagree. To me, Italy has the best coffee. I’ve had plenty of coffee all over the world that are weak, watery, and bitter even in Europe. All of which are big no-nos for me when it comes to my coffee selection.


So what do I love about Nespresso?


There are 2 things I love about their coffee:

a) no matter where I am in the world Nespresso tastes the same and I know I can get a good cup of coffee

b) there are so many capsule options so whether you love your coffee with nuttier undertones or creamy they have one for you


I tend to like my coffee stronger so will generally go for the 9+ intensity capsules. My go-to’s capsules are Arpeggio, Ristretto, and Dharkan. You’ll always find these stocked in my home.

To make a conscious effort to spend less money, I’ve rarely gotten coffee outside of my home for the last few years. This means I’ve had to get good at making iced or hot lattes at home. If you’d like to know how my make my at-home lattes using Nespresso let me know!


 FYI – If you’re located in the U.S. I have the original machine, which are the smaller capsules.




Are you a fan of Nespresso coffee?  What is your favorite coffee? Let me know in the comment section below!




  1. September 10, 2020 / 8:43 AM

    I have been wanting a Nespresso machine for the longest time! I am hoping it’s coming for Christmas from my boyfriend, but we will see. 🙂 If so, I will definitely have to take your recommendations for the capsules because I love richer flavor for coffee. Thanks for sharing!

    • Cristina
      September 10, 2020 / 10:14 AM

      So happy to help Cassie! I hope you get one because it really is worth it 🙂


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