5 Tips for Mindful Shopping: Shop Smarter in the New Year

Dallas fashion blogger and shopaholic shares her top 5 tips to practice mindful shopping in 2021



Now I’m not a minimalist and nor do I ever expect to be. As superficial as it is I like my things – they remind me of a special achievement or speak to my interests.

Over the last year I’ve been trying to practice mindful shopping as I started to realize I was accumulating too much stuff.

My goal in 2021 is not to just be more mindful in terms of my fashion purchases but money in general. Spending money on experiences and creating a hefty savings is now becoming more important…who am I?!

As a self-proclaimed shopaholic it’s been quite a journey and I have finally found helpful ways to be more mindful with my shopping while still enjoying my life. It’s all about balance.

It’s time to say goodbye to impulse purchases and not taking the time to shop around to ensure you get the best price! Keep reading below for my top 5 tips to practice mindful shopping in 2021!




I feel like this is an obvious one, but it has to be said.

When trying to practice mindful shopping neutrals will be your best friend. Neutrals don’t have to be boring though. In fact, I think they can be incredibly chic and make getting dressed much simpler.

It’s all about ensuring you accumulate a wardrobe that is well thought out and truly goes with everything.

The ability to mix and match is key! I follow what I call expanded neutrals and then may add in a pop of color like this orange swing coat I’m obsessed with. To me neutrals go beyond the typical white, grey, black, navy, camel, and brown.

You can’t forget olive green and blush pink because you would be surprised how much they go with everything!



I like to call myself the quality queen. I have a weird affinity for fabric content, but there’s a reason for it! I am not a fan of synthetic fabrics and have spoken about it this many times on my blog. It’s something I’m kinda passionate about.

I find natural fabrics feel better, hold up better to life and washing, and look instantly more expensive even if you purchased it at Zara.

Fabric content doesn’t have to equal cost. You can find wool coats at Zara, H&M, Gap, and more but just requires a little more searching.

Well-made garments are going to last you much longer and help to maximize your wardrobe, which is the basis of mindful shopping.

This is everything from fabric content, overall fit, stitching, and hardware.



I have been guilty of this in the past, especially when something was on sale. I felt like I HAD to have it before it was gone, but would I have even purchased if it wasn’t discounted?

Mindful shopping means being aware of what you purchase and if you will truly get that cost per wear to make it worth it.

I typically ask myself before purchasing:

– Do I already have something similar?

– Does a similar item need to be replaced soon and could this be good to fill that gap?

– Do I already own items that would pair easily?

– Is it practical to the season and my realistic lifestyle?

– If this item were sold out before I was able to purchase would I be disappointed?

Something I also practice is putting items in my cart when online shopping and walking away from the computer. Sometimes I leave items in my cart for days to assess if I truly want or need it or if I am I just wanting to purchase because it’s pretty or on sale.

Usually the longer I have to think about it means I’m going against what I think is a good purchase.



I’m a big advocate of getting rid of what you don’t use. When I look at my wardrobe I want it to be filled with items I intend to wear – not maybe’s or what-if’s.

I will remove items from my wardrobe that I haven’t worn in at least a year because it’s highly unlikely I will them again.

If you’re unsure you can display your “maybe” items in a prominent area of your wardrobe to force yourself to wear them. If after 6 months you still haven’t found ways to add these into your clothing rotation then it’s time to say goodbye.

All of my gently worn clothes will either be sold or donated.

Designer or higher end department store items are sold on The Real Real or Poshmark so I can use that money to purchase new items I will love.

For name brand clothes such as J.Crew I will send to thredUp and ask that any unsold clothes be donated on my behalf. You can also donate your gently used items to Goodwill or women’s shelters in your area.



I know a lot of people don’t recommend signing up for store newsletters as they can be tempting, but I love that it keeps me in the know. The first people notified of sales or exclusive discounts are those on the retailer’s email list.

I make sure to sign up for a few of my favorites – no more than 5.

During sale times is when I pick up those pricer items that will last me year after year. Think silk blouses, cashmere sweaters, wool coats, designer shoes and sunglasses.

Maybe even a bag like when I found my Chloe Drew on sale during the Neiman Marcus after Christmas sale.

I find that the best sale times are at the end of summer, Black Friday, and after Christmas.



Are you interested in practicing mindful shopping in 2021? If you have any other tips feel free to share them in the comment section below!



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